Honouring good people
I want to honour all those people who with love and compassion give their time and skills to others. Of course I know that always when one gives one gets much more back...But so many people do give to others so with so much thoughtfulness and kindness. But when you help us you very directly help children to have a better childhood. You make kids smile and give them an opportunity to learn as they should - through PLAY.

Especially I want to honour Peter France who died last Thursday. He was Africa Food For Thoughts first Chairman and a founding member of AFFT who now feed something like 11 000 children every day in the West Rand as well as so much more. He was a good man and I think that that is the best thing to be in this world. He used all his many skills to help. One of our teachers said ‘you never saw him without a smile’ and ‘you could always see he cared for children’. So thank you and I wish your family peace in your hearts and although grief always hurts that the knowledge of his goodness will allow you some sweetness in all the sadness.
But I also want to talk of people like Andrea Anderson who has helped us as a donation to sort out our financial affairs. Sally France for always being a backbone in every project and venture. Caroline Tuckey who is doing training and also parent enrichment work and even paying for her own petrol! Or Marj Brown and Charlotte Hulley who have fostered and maintained such a good and incredibly useful relationship between us and Roedean. Or Kim and Sarah who worked so hard (and will be back to finish) to create a wonderful mural at Busy Bees for us. Or Yonela who has so often been a go-between in the community for us. For all the girls at Roedean who helped us in various ways. Or the people who helped at our workshops, the Bottom and Harry Gwala Principals and teachers who have been so welcoming on our training days, Linde who is making sure that all our children will benefit from the Santa Shoebox project this year, Flow communications who have created all our social media, Jozikids who keep us on their web site and have sent us so many people who have helped us, the anonymous person who puts R3000 into our bank account from time to time and all the others who we also suddenly find a financial donation from in our bank records, the parents who sort out and deliver their children’s old toys for us....the list goes on and on....
We also have been lucky that the JD Group, Tracker, Emerald Risk Transfer, Tanker Services and now MultiChoice have lent us their shoulders to help us to fly from...
So thank you to those who care about others.
That is what being a really good person is....and it is those people who give the world its sweetness to counteract all the not so nice things that people do.
Thank you all the good people.